We are constantly updating this page as new questions come up.
Section 1:
School Plan for the Academic Year 2020 - 2021
Q: What is the plan of the school for the upcoming Academic Year 2020 - 2021?
A: In response to the pandemic that we are currently facing, the school has prepared a Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) for the Academic Year 2020 - 2021. Our foremost priority is the safety and well-being of our students, and those who nurture and support them. This plan will be updated as new developments arise. Please click here for the copy of the LCP.
Q: What are the academic programs that you offer given that it is not safe for students to return to school due to COVID-19?
A: The health and safety of all the members of our school community is our top priority that is why we would not be having face-to-face learning this school year. Instead, parents have two options to enroll their child in:Â
Flexible Study Program (FSP) - this is our regular teacher-facilitated program where classes are held at the school campus but due to COVID-19 pandemic, the school will instead be using distance mode of delivery or online classes. Read more details about FSP in Section 2.
Home Study Program (HSP)Â - this is a parent-supported program where classes are held in an out-of-school environment; mostly at home. If a family chooses the homeschool setup, this means that they will be the one to supervise, grade their child at their own time. The child regardless if things get better would not be required to go to class/ school unless there are activities in school that would require homeschoolers attendance which could be once a quarter at the most.
Click this link for the side-by-side comparison of FSP and HSP.
Q: When is the school opening?
A: Following the directives of the Department of Education, the opening of Academic Year 2020 – 2021 for both FSP and HSP will be on August 24, 2020. School opening will not necessarily mean traditional, face-to-face learning in the classroom. We will take a careful, phase-by-phase approach for the opening of school (read details in Section 2).
Section 2:
Questions on Flexible Study Program (FSP)
Q: Can you explain further the difference between synchronous and asynchronous mode of delivery for Flexible Study Program?
A: We understand the importance of flexibility during these times. Distance learning will be delivered in two modes:
We will use a combination of both to balance student's time for online and offline learning.
Q: Is distance learning purely online?
A: Distance learning will be a combination of both online and offline activities. We will balance learning activities such that some tasks are done online (e.g., video conferencing, watching educational videos, etc.) and other tasks are done offline (e.g., answering worksheets, doing book exercises, working on projects, etc.)
Q: How much time will they spend online and offline?
Following the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) and other child experts, we will limit the amount of time our learners would spend online. The amounts and the rules for screen time will vary by age / grade level.
For Grade School classes, the schedule would be 3.5 hours online and 3.5 hours offline / independent work. For Preschool and Kinder classes, we would be having around 1 to 1.5 hour/s online session and 1.5 hours offline / independent work per day schedule. In order to avoid online fatigue, there will be 5-minute break after every 15-30-minute online session.
Q: How will you manage the class schedule such that it will not conflict with my other child’s schedule?
A: We will be keeping in mind those who have siblings in the school so that they won’t have conflicting schedules. We will release your child's class schedule during our Annual Parent Orientation Program which will be around July 2020.
Q: What textbooks and other learning materials will the students be using?
We will schedule the pickup of textbooks and school supplies from the school few weeks before the school opening. Parents may also use delivery apps (e.g., Grab or Lalamove), but they will shoulder the corresponding delivery fees. Deliveries must be coordinated with SDIMS staff ahead of time prior to booking.
Printable worksheets and homework packets will be posted by the teachers on Google Classroom. Parents are advised to have printer and bond paper ready at home for printing of learning materials.
Other online learning resources such as videos, music, interactive games, websites, and other multimedia resources will also be posted on Google Classroom.
Q: What gadgets, applications, and technology are required for distance learning?
A: The basic technology requirements include: Tablet or laptop with camera, internet connection, and printer. A headset is preferred for better communication but not required. Students will also need to have Microsoft Office (Word / Powerpoint), PDF Reader, Google Chrome Browser, and Zoom.
Q: How will the assessment, evaluation, and reporting of my child’s progress be done under Flexible Study Program?
A: We will have the same schedule of assessments as in regular school setup. Students will be asked to upload their written works and projects in Google Classroom. Our expectation, and that of the Department of Education, is that learners, with the support of their parents, will do their best to complete all assigned work.
The teachers and the parents shall collaborate in the assessment and evaluation of learner’s progress and development, but the final grade will come from the teacher.
Specific plans, tools, and processes for the assessment, evaluation, and reporting of learner’s progress will be discussed during ourAnnual Parent Orientation Program.
Section 3:
Questions on Home Study Program (HSP)
Q: What is Home Study Program (HSP)?
Home Study Program is an alternative delivery mode of education that provides learners with access to formal education while staying in an out-of-school environment. Authorized parents, guardians, or tutors take the place of the teachers as learning facilitators. This flexible learning option allows parents and guardians to maximize their involvement in their children’s education as a matter of parenting philosophy.
Q: What are the expectations for students enrolled in HSP?
Students enrolled in Home Study Program are expected to meet the learning standards of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.
Q: What are the expectations for the parents under HSP?
It is the prime duty of the parents as learning facilitators to provide their children with adequate guidance, support, resources, and experiences that contribute to the holistic development of their children. The parents must also provide their children with a home environment conducive for learning.
Q: What is the curriculum used for HSP?
Parents have the option to use our curriculum or use other curriculum that they prefer so long as it is aligned with the K-12 competencies set by DepEd.
Q: What would be the class schedule for HSP?
A: The schedule for the home study program depends on the parent and the student. They need to create routine in such a way that the lessons assigned would be covered. We will provide you a sample routine / schedule that you can use at home.
Q: What types of support does the school provide for homeschoolers?
We offer various types of support for homeschooling families enrolled in our program. We conduct orientation program dedicated for all homeschooling parents prior to start of the school year. We have workshops aimed at improving parents’ knowledge about parenting-related concerns and strengthen their ability to manage specific challenges they encounter at home. Parents may also consult their academic adviser all throughout the academic year. We will also have an online support group for all homeschoolers enrolled in our school.
Section 4:
Questions on Enrollment and Tuition fee
Q: Are you still accepting enrollees for the school year 2020 - 2021?
A: Yes. We are accepting enrollees until the end of June 2020 or until slots are available as we maintain as small class size.
Q: What is the enrollment procedure and requirements?
A: Our enrollment procedure is done online. Please click this link for the complete details.
Q: How much is the tuition fee and what are the payment schemes available?
A. You may download a copy of our tuition fee and payment terms by filling out the form that you will find on the upper part of this website.
Q: Will there be adjustment in the tuition fee?
A: We will not have tuition fee increase despite the significant increase in prices of most goods and services, and the additional cost that we would need to incur for technology integration. We also understand that many families are struggling financially that is why we are offering up to 20% ECQ Discount available if you enroll your child on or before May 29, 2020.