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Annual Christmas Celebration | December 14, 2023


Dear Parents,

In celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ’s birth, we will be having a Christmas Party on December 14, 2022 (Thursday) at Studentdesk Integrated Montessori School. The party will be held inside your child’s classroom during regular school hours. There will be fun games, performances, exchange gift, and food for children to enjoy.

In line with this, kindly take note of the following important points:

A. Attendance

Confirm your child’s attendance until Tuesday, December 5, 2023 using the reply slip below.

B. Food

Food will be a potluck. To ensure that there will be substantial food for all the students, may we request each of you to pre-register the food through this Google Form by Friday, December 8, 2023. Kindly fill in the reply slip below with the food that your child will be bringing. Please note that we will be sending a confirmation on your food choice to make sure that there won’t be too much of the same food that will be brought in a class.

C. Reusable Containers & Utensils

Please bring your child’s own utensils and 2 reusable containers that your child would be using in eating and in taking food home (in case there are leftovers).

D. Exchange Gift

To highlight the values of love, generosity, and friendship, students will have an exchange gift. Kindly let your child bring a gift worth PHP 300.00 (three hundred pesos minimum). We will send you a note on who will be your child’s Monito / Monita as soon as you confirm your child’s attendance to the party. We encourage you to buy gifts from small, local shops to support our local entrepreneurs.

E. Attire

This year’s Christmas Theme is “Nutcracker, Gingerbread Man, and Candies ” Preschool to Grade 3 will be wearing nutcracker costumes and Grades 4 to 6 will be wearing gingerbread or candy themed costume. We encourage that you let your child wear a costume similar to the ones below. You may DIY the costume using recyclables or items that are already available in your home.

A. Lower Elementary - Preschool to Grade 3 (Sample Costume - Nutcracker Themed)

B. Upper Elementary - Grades 4 to 6 (Sample Costume - Gingerbread and Candy Themed)

F. Gifts

Giving gifts to teachers and staff is not required but those who wish to give, feel free to do so either in kind or e-cash gifts through Gcash. Funds that will be collected will be used for our Christmas Party Raffle for Teachers and Staff.

Should you have questions or clarifications, please feel free to email us at

Best regards,


Program Director

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